So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


What a great morning!! To wake up to 4 inches of snow. Now knowing BC we have pretty odd snow weather. Just a couple minutes it was raining, but it past the freezing level again to its snowing again, which means BC just became one BIG ice rink! well looks like I'll be giving myself half an hour to get to work.

Friday, November 25, 2005

its on!!

OK, here it is

What: A SWEEET going away/xmas party
When: Friday December 23@ 7:30
Where: My house! 9341 149st (near fvc) in surrey
Why: To see everyone home for Xmas and saying goodbye to me!!

Ok thats that pretty much it...
(there will be a donation can thang for the food and such)

BE THERE!!! everyone invited!! EVERYONE!
*Note: this isn't a "drinking party" if people want a drink or two thats fine, but drinking is not the focus. Come if you are intrested in getting together with great friends and saying goodbye to me*

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

pics "O" edmonton

ah if only this thing played video!! right ashley...

Monday, November 21, 2005


well back at home. Ah home. You know what I really didn't think I would miss surrey after only being gone for 5 days, but I did (except for the fact that I am back to work tomorrow and back into the swing of busy busy busy). Now back home I gotta a lot of things to do..ah... First I am planning a going away/sweeet reunion party at my house (no date yet). I am trying to get Proximity Se7en to play a set and its gonna be sweeet. (oh yea Neil, you guys are playing). Well for all of you who are coming back for Christmas (all of you). YOU ARE COMING!!! ok, this is your invite. It's gonna be after you are all back, so after the 21th, cause thats when Julia is back. If any of you are bringing friends back here to surrey from your schools bring them along too, more the better! So yea. I better get on planning that..ttyl
P.S. Edmonton was sweeeet times!! Move *%$#! get out the way!!!!...ah michael you crack me up!!! ashley i like your version too

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Well I leave Edmonton tomorrow morning at 10:10. And I'm sorry to say I didnt get the snow I wanted here, which was ok. This trip was so sweet. So nice to just get away from my life back home and just sit and enjoy time here with all these great friends. It was mostly what I expected, except for the odd sleep patters. People go to bed and wake up at such weird times, like now, Ashley is sleeping in the room next to me (yes i broke into your room michael) it's 8pm on a sunday night and i bet shes about to wake up and be awake till 5 am, just like last night. Well I've enjoyed everything here, kinda wishing i was here for the past 4 month, ah but I needed the money from working. Life is good back home, and my life in Guatemala is gonna be even better. I only have 45 more days to go and it's gonna go quick. So I'm back home tomorrow to get back into the working world after being off work for 2 weeks, it's gonna be weird, hopfully I can handle it. On my return back home I'm gonna start planning my going away/get together party....details to come. peace

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Well i have arrived in Edmonton. After alittle delay at the Airport, with some lady taking my bag instead of hers. I was pretty mad cause i saw it come out on the belt thing, and then it was just gone! I was pretty mad. Well after hours of waiting they finally got my bag brought to me at Julias house, which was good so I didn't waist much time at the Airport. Other then that today went great. We are just getting ready to veg infront of the T.V. to watch the O.C. it's been so long since I've had a chance to even watch it. Then after that we are ready to hit the town and give me a little taste of being legal age here. Ah it should intresting...but fun. I'll keep you updated.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

keep on keepin' on

I am pretty proud that I have been keepin' up to date on these things. With my recent little fall out with health and probably the most stressfull week of my life, things are straightening up. In just over one day I am flying to Edmonton to visit all my great pals out there braving the snow. Yesterday I wasnt sure if I was gonna make the trip, but today my health got better and plans are on! Other then that news...its only 49 days till my trip. Passing the 50 was a big leap and I'm suprised that I am taking it pretty well. I've almost have all that I need...and this little plane trip I think is gonna set a lot in. Once I'm back from snow city I'll have just a little over a month till I leave, one month of work left (thank God) and then just the push till the end. I dont know when its gonna set in that I'm leaving, probably when I stop letting go of people while giving them

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Just to capture this

So last sunday I took a couple hours of my day to do a little favour for my bestest friend ashley. I didn't think much was gonna come out of the shoot but I amazed myself. I forgot how much I LOVE taking pictures, even more so of my friends. I can sum it all up in this...

Photography can capture so much more then you could ever imagin.
To capture this pure image of Ashley puts joy in the deepest places of my heart.

Friday, November 11, 2005

short and sweet

on oprah today she talked about "what have you done today to make yourself proud?" is it wrong to do something for someone just to be proud of yourself? at first i thought yes: it seem selfish to go do good things for people just so i can feel "good" about myself that day. But then i thoughts twice: if just to feel pride in a job well done is all you need to make yourself do something for some one today, then pride is ok, cause you went out of your way to help someone. I dont care if you feel proud at the end of the day, I'm just happy you helped someone.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


So I am sick! and I mean SICK! I have a throat infection which i am taking antibiotics for for the next 9 days...right in time to get better for my "vacation" to edmonton! wow I am getting pretty excited for it, getting past the pain I'm in right now, so it's all working out great. I am looking forward to seeing you all again as it has been like 5 months since I've seen some of you...crazy! Well planned so far I am staying with Julia for the first 2 nights then moving on into Kings for the next 3 nights...its gonna be awesome! oh and on the fact of getting from the airport to the university..i need help. So if anyone has a car or something let me know cause yea. I have a way to get into the downtown area of edmonton so you wont have to get me from the airport or anything crazy like ttyl when i get better.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Well here we are. 2 months to go...exactly 58 days to go! So I am proud to announce it is goin faster. A bunch-o weeks ago I was so itching to go that I didn't think I would last those next 3 months, but here we are with one less month then then and I'm doing fine. The main reason it is going so fast now is the fact that I am working my butt off and filling my time wisely. In 10 days I am flying to Edmonton to visit my friends at Kings University College. I am pretty stoaked as there are so many of them there. Julia, Emily (will be home accually) Deanna, Ashley, Dan, Gabe, Michael, Layne..and the list goes on, not to mention all the sweet cool people I'm gonna meet when I'm there. So yea..once I get back from Edmonton I'll only have like a month and a bit to go (43 days)! so wow. Well on the fact of X-mas break. All you who will be back in town for it better be coming to my little shindig. I'm gonna try to get Proximity Seven to play and it's gonna be sweet. It's gonna be a little going away/fundraiser thing for my trip (as doing missions in another country always has their bills). Well that is it for now....ttyl...comment please!