So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Just to capture this

So last sunday I took a couple hours of my day to do a little favour for my bestest friend ashley. I didn't think much was gonna come out of the shoot but I amazed myself. I forgot how much I LOVE taking pictures, even more so of my friends. I can sum it all up in this...

Photography can capture so much more then you could ever imagin.
To capture this pure image of Ashley puts joy in the deepest places of my heart.


Blogger emma said...

Do you do nude shots too? Hahahaha this is me after 10pm...Ha, just KIDDING.

Can I be next?

12:25 AM

Blogger Mr. H said...

magical, truely magical

6:06 PM

Blogger Stewart said...

Kim, next time I'm in town you can try and make me look good in a picture. how's that for a challenge :) keep loving the photographs, they're beautiful.
luv ya kim.


11:23 PM


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