So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Friday, October 28, 2005

friday night

so here I am at home on a friday night at 10:56 or so. It has been a long time! wow. It feels so good and so horrible at the same time. Not that I am sitting here crying and thinking I have no life, more that my back is almost broke in two and standing up is an adventure in it's self. I threw it out at work...workers comp!! lol....well yea, it really sucks and I honestly wish i was in a hot tub right now, and I could be other then that neil took two hours to call and say i should come over! blasted! So here I sit in my bed with my new best friend "dutchie's baby" (thats my lap top) sitting apon my comforter, with a hot water bottle between my back and my pillow. oh so comfy at the moment...but...not for long. Well here I sit with the world and my finger tips and never wanted more to be sleeping peacfully. I pray that sleep will come easy, but I know that chances are slim. When I pictured my life here, 2 months from my trip, I wouldn't have invisioned this. But then again there are a lot of things I would have thought to be different in my life. Like...who it is that I would be hanging out with after highschool. Its weird that the people you hungout with the most in highschool, you never really see again. And those that were just friends on and off, you see every week. Take for instance. Andrew. Andrew and I were ok friends. We really didnt have many classes together ever, and hanging out with him at lunch was a rare treat. Most lunches I found my self sitting uncomfortably against a hallway wall, staring blanky at another wall. Sitting beside people I talked to often and chilled with a lot. Now almost 5 months since that moment here I am in a life were I havent seen Neil, Grant, Drew or B in probably 2 months. And again here I am in a life where if I dont see Andrew in 4 days i feel empty. Weird how highschool is so different from real life. Were I accually have to make some effort to hangout with people, they wont just show up at my door every morning looking to chill. Ah highschool, dont me miss it? not.


Blogger Mr. H said...

That always concerned me too when I thought about it ealier in high school. What will my friends be doing/ will I see them when it's all done. I guess I kinda made that a lot easier by moving out to ontario. But, new friends come, and I must say, i'm having a fricken good time out here. It's a blast. Take heart though, 6 months in Guatamala will rock your sox.

8:57 PM


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