So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Friday, November 11, 2005

short and sweet

on oprah today she talked about "what have you done today to make yourself proud?" is it wrong to do something for someone just to be proud of yourself? at first i thought yes: it seem selfish to go do good things for people just so i can feel "good" about myself that day. But then i thoughts twice: if just to feel pride in a job well done is all you need to make yourself do something for some one today, then pride is ok, cause you went out of your way to help someone. I dont care if you feel proud at the end of the day, I'm just happy you helped someone.


Blogger emma said...

Good point Kim. I usually get really irritated when people say things like "today, I was downtown, and I just gave 5 whole dollars to some random homeless man, and now , wow, I feel so great". Yeah, things like that would bug me so much, cause' you know, it's totally not about 'that warm fuzzy giving feeling'. But, you make a really good point, it doesn't matter if they do it for 'selfish reasons' as you said, you're right, what's important is that good is being done.

3:14 PM


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