So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Friday, November 25, 2005

its on!!

OK, here it is

What: A SWEEET going away/xmas party
When: Friday December 23@ 7:30
Where: My house! 9341 149st (near fvc) in surrey
Why: To see everyone home for Xmas and saying goodbye to me!!

Ok thats that pretty much it...
(there will be a donation can thang for the food and such)

BE THERE!!! everyone invited!! EVERYONE!
*Note: this isn't a "drinking party" if people want a drink or two thats fine, but drinking is not the focus. Come if you are intrested in getting together with great friends and saying goodbye to me*


Blogger emma said...

Is prox confirmed?

3:09 PM

Blogger Abby Mommy said...

no they are not, not yet atleast, but the party is on either way.

5:39 PM

Blogger Stewart said...

Kim I'm finished my program on December 12.


12:33 PM


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