So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Friday, March 30, 2007

All good

Well all I can say is God is Faithful. These last couple days have now been my best here. Not only has jeffery taken to me more, but my responses from home were just amazing. After posting my last post I have recieved many e-mails and comments from friends just reminded me why God wants me here and that this is what I've always dreamed about.

Thank you everyone who sent me messages, they really helped me through this week.

I was also asked by the church here to co-lead worship on sunday, as on wedenesday I ended up filling in for our usual worship leader. I feel so welcome here and everyday it feels more like home.

Still a little challenging with Jeffery some times and getting a moment for myself. But happy all around.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Home sick

Everything is going great over here, other then being really home sick. Being away from hom last year for 6 months really didnt effect me, now I've only been away from home for one month, and its so different.

I miss everything it is my life is back home. Last night I found myself crying over the fact that I dont get to see my sisters belly grow, with the little one thats inside. I miss not being able to just drive. I miss not being able to go to Victory, my second home. I kinda miss work, being able to see my friends there, and just know what my job is. I miss Koby, and my whole family.... I miss them so much.

But then again I know that this is where God wants me. I know this is my calling right now, and if I didn't come I would be home regreting it. Things here are a little challenging. Just with taking care of Jeffery, and his constant crying, I am trying to get used to it. I also found out I will be moving into the Orphanage once Kate leaves next saturday, which keeps me around the kids more, which is great. I wont have to worry about get from the church to the orphanage, or anything like that.

I have been trying to post pictures, but it wont let me, so I guess I'll keep trying....

Miss you all.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

I am here

Well this will probably the only time in my life I have been away from my computer in almost a week.

I arrived here in Roatan on Tuesday, and life is good and really HOT!! Sorry no pics yet, I left my camera at the orphanage today. Well I'll give alittle run down of what it is I've done and will be doing here.

So everyday I wake up at 6:30 and get in a taxi to the orphanage. I am staying at the church, which is really a hotel. The church bought the property which includes 20 rooms in the hotel, a kitchen, a cafe they recently opened and the church. On tuesday when I arrived I was given my assignment, Jeffery. He is the youngest kid at the orphanage, he is 20 months old. Before I arrived he was being taken care of basically everyone when they had a free sec. Now jeffery has me 100%, which is really what he needs. I wake him up, change him, dress him, feed him and spend the entire day with him. Its nice that he needs a 3 hour nap everyday because thats really the only free time I will ever get while I am down here. My whole day is take up by him for the other children, which is why I came down here, so its great. While taking care of him I also help with the other kids, help make breakfast lunch and dinner and basically do life with them.

Its really busy, but I love it. There is another girl here, Kate. She has been here since december and we are already really good friends. We spend the whole day just mainting the house and all that goes along with it. She will be leaving in 2 weeks, and I will have even more things so do.

Today we actually have the day off, and we will be filling it up for sure. In a bit we will head of the go swimming the snokleing in the reef. The reef is right off the side of the dock all around the island, so not complaining there. The view is amazing everywhere!!

I have already fallen in love with the island, and once again I have a new home.

Pray for strength!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Antigua Day

Well yesterday was Jazmins B-day so we pretty much packed the day with as much as we could do. Started the day off with Church, then a great lunch. The had heard they had not been to any ruins in Antigua, so on we went. Visited my favorite ruin for $2.00 :) Took a horse draw carrage and then went for ice cream.
Chillin' in the ruins
Chris and Jaz

Michelle, John and I (the fvc group)
All of us.Looking over Antigua with Agua (the volcano) looking over us.
Happy B-Day JAZ!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Leaving Tuesday...we hope...

Well today I'm busy planning my trip to Roatan, which will be tuesday, if all goes as planned. Right now there are supposible huge rain storms hitting the island, and the boats aren't running as often. My biggest fear is not being able to get to Roatan in one day, as I do not want to spend the night in La Ceiba.

A friend of mine just went to the island on monday and he said it was crazy experience. They missed their bus and had to take another one, which made them late to get the boat. Then they stayed in a really crappy hotel, where there are alot of gangs....woo hoo.

Well not as excited about this trip right now as I was like an hour ago. Praying all goes well!!!

Ok here some more pics of me from the party on monday....

eating an onion...

Yay, Winnie the Pooh! He's canadian like me!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Feliz Cumpeanos!!!

Miriam and I. They call us the twins :)
Miriam, Isai, Alex and I
Jonathans Cake faceplant!
Well today was Jonathans b-day, so many pictures were created! Guatemala has such great birthday traditions. Such as the cake face planting, the pinata and the great music. We had to plan the whole birthday with my electricity as the whole town was out till about 4pm. It was still a great day!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Home for the next 10 days...

I took a couple pictures of where it is I am living in Guatemala. I'm staying at the house of my friends Jonathan, Esau and Isai. Miriam, Isai's girlfriend from Germany is also staying here aswell. Everything is going great here, life is really relaxed and I love it! These 2 weeks in Guatemala are basically my rest before I head to Roatan and start working. Even though this is my vactions per say, I have been finding many ways to serve. On wednesday night Amanda and I spent the night at the church in the city for kids. And last night 5 of us painted the church floor. Took awhile to get all the paint off my feet, but worth it for sure, it looks so good.
This is my room that I am sharing with Miriam.The view outside my room, very Guatemalan. See the sun shining!

Still pretty white, but like always taking well to the sun :)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Para mi Hermana

happy? Yes!!