So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Home sick

Everything is going great over here, other then being really home sick. Being away from hom last year for 6 months really didnt effect me, now I've only been away from home for one month, and its so different.

I miss everything it is my life is back home. Last night I found myself crying over the fact that I dont get to see my sisters belly grow, with the little one thats inside. I miss not being able to just drive. I miss not being able to go to Victory, my second home. I kinda miss work, being able to see my friends there, and just know what my job is. I miss Koby, and my whole family.... I miss them so much.

But then again I know that this is where God wants me. I know this is my calling right now, and if I didn't come I would be home regreting it. Things here are a little challenging. Just with taking care of Jeffery, and his constant crying, I am trying to get used to it. I also found out I will be moving into the Orphanage once Kate leaves next saturday, which keeps me around the kids more, which is great. I wont have to worry about get from the church to the orphanage, or anything like that.

I have been trying to post pictures, but it wont let me, so I guess I'll keep trying....

Miss you all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you are so homesick, but we are so proud of you for doing what you were working towards. People here are so excited for you that you get to fulfill your goal of working in an orphanage! By the end of June you will be back here, and you will have accomplished what you had set out to do, don't forget that. God has brought you there, keep that in mind. We will remember you in our prayers!

5:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

check your email girl :)

1:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew I shouldn't have sent you those belly shots! Keep in mind that I'd rather have you miss the pregnancy part and be here for the actual BIRTH and actual BABY!!

I miss you too, but you are doing great work over there - I love you and am totally proud of you.

Ultrasound this Friday - I'll let you know if it's a girl or boy as soon as I can!

2:47 PM


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