So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Good Bye y'all

Well today is the day, and I dont feel ready at all! With my bags packed at the door and waiting to go I sit here wondering why I am going again, and then I remember...

When I think of all God has in store for my time in Guatemala and Honduras I can't help but get excited! Guatemala is going to be a couple weeks of excitment, seeing Amanda and chillin with my Guate friends. Sitting in the park every morning reading my bible chit chatting with who ever wants to talk. Guatemala is a country with so much need, not only the Guatemalan people but also the heavy flow of tourists. I am excited for my time in Guatemala and all I will be able to see and accomplish.

Honduras, well I have no idea what to expect. Mostly now I am praying for safe travels. well... I've been so busy it seems I keep forgetting to, so please pray. Prayer is key in this trip! Once I am on the island I am going to be opening myself up to ANYTHING God wants me to see, hear, do, and influence. Whatever is the need, I will be there with open arms and a loving heart.

Pray for a blessing of safe travel and amazing experiences.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lucky girl!, have you looked outside yet? It is snowing like crazy! From snow to shorts and tank tops, wow, it will be amazing. We will pray for your safety all the way there and back.



10:29 AM

Blogger Sara said...

Hope you made it there safely and you are not too tired from all the travelling,

Most importantly though, I hope your BAGS made it there safely :)

Just kidding - post as soon as you can!

7:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear kim, i love you and am praying for you. i look forward to reading your next post about your adventures...hopefully soon.

2:00 PM


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