So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


In the last couple weeks I have taken some time to reflect on my last year. Coming into December soon it is that time of year again to think of all you did this past year, the good, the great, the memorable and the not to memorable.

I started the year pretty amazing heading to Guatemala. It was a 6 month experience I will never forget. Sure I made some mistakes but I dont regret a minute of it. I loved with no limits and lived with no borders. I met some amazing people, maybe of them who have become life friends. My friends I met in Guatemala, Kyle, Bryna, Liz, Melody, Tara, Nikki, Rachel, Amanda, Karla, Ange, Sarah, and David. The locals who ended up becoming closer then ever, Jonathan, Jorge, Esau, Isai, Clay, Alex and Abner. Not to forget my close companions of my last month, Heather, Alejandro and Carlos. They all impacted my life to the extreme and will continue to. I have been blessed with being able to see about the the team from Guatemala and can't wait to go back to see the Guate boys and my close companions next year.

My return to Canada was very different then I could have ever imagined. I was a rollercoaster for sure. Coming HOME was great and living here is even better. With a great roof over my head and a loving family backing me up it has been easy to get back to Canadian living. With the new job and new school things are shaping up.

Now finishing school and looking forward to a busy next season of working my butt off, life is good. Next April is the cut of point for wanting to be on a airplane by then. I can't wait to go back and see my Guate families again. 2007 is gonns lets just live out this next month.

Also take note....I will be turing 20 in January, nothing is going to be holding me back...NOTHING!!!!


Blogger Sara said...

I think I forgot my blue travel mug and my red hat in Oskar?

Let me know because it is driving me bonkers....!

9:06 AM


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