So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Monday, November 06, 2006


Well a new month is apon us, and the last month of school for me...

I have decided that school is not for me, and atleast I found out only spending $1000 on it, compared to brother mark $10,000 ouch!! and sister sara I guess, except she got a husband out of the deal. I really got nothing out of this last semester at school. Very little spanish learned, some english and Poli Sci is just good times!

I am planning on working from now until whenever I have enough money to get to Central/South America. The Travel plans are not fully (or at all) set yet. I will hopfully be traveling from Mexico to Panama with MANY stops along the way. There are some things holding me back here in Weddings and babies being born, but there are many things pulling me back there ie: friends (amanda), weddings (rachel in North Carolina) and just getting back on the road, a great change again.

I will continue to work my hardest to finish school and work as much as I can, then back on a plane or maybe even into a car for me. Any one want to drop life, and move to Central America with me???

p.s. pictures to come.


Blogger Sara said...

So are you quitting school or finishing the courses you are in??

You are sounding like Erin K :)

6:44 PM

Blogger Amay said...

ouuu me me!!! I'll pick up and leave, live in Central America with you.. we can have our own apartment!! Wanna?? wanna?? just a thought..

9:27 AM

Blogger Amay said...

well...even though i am leaving in december, I am planning on staying until March between those dates you can use that timeline and consider that.. because maybe that can work out as well..who knows..but just so you know theres more time between just now and dec..:):) Miss you girl!

10:17 PM

Blogger Sara said...

So where are the pictures....?


9:52 AM


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