So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Well I sit at these keys and try to package my last 3 weeks at home into a small compact idea. Impossible. So I'll try to at least give you an idea of what it is like being home, honestly.

Its differnent. Differnent from when I left atleast. The people have changed, there's more of them for one thing, and the old ones have changed a lot too. My family is doing a lot better. With all of our lives changing, we are growing close together (which is by far the best thing of being home).

Now getting to the hard stuff. After being home for a little over 2 weeks, I hadnt talked to anyone truely about what it all is that I went through down in Guatemala. People were all assuming I was talkin to other people about it. And it also ends up that everyone thinks I am doing stuff with other people, thus resulting in no one calling, no one coming over, and everyone making me feel that home sucks. I'm not gonna lie, a couple days ago I looked into flights back to Guatemala.

Life has moved on without me. And now all I have to do is find my place in the lives of these people I know so well, but aren't used to me being around. How do you get to know the people you have known for years? How do you introduce yourself into peoples lives who seem to be so shut off to you? How do you "get back to life" as everyone is calling it?

Well...if I had the answer I would be a much happier person right now. So I go on with the sitting in my house, and the doing nothing that everyone is so jealous of. If they only knew how empty and truley sad I am most days.

Now dont get me wrong, I am happy...its just that I wasn't prepared to have to get to know everything again as if I was starting all over again. It will take time, but I'll get there.

I'll let you know when that day comes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for leaving that comment on my blog!
I just kinda glanced over your blog, and I was wondering about your trip to guatamala. Were you there doing a missions thing?

hope to hear back from you!

9:49 AM

Blogger Sharla said...

hey kim,
i just wanted to let you know that i've really enjoyed reading about your time in Guatemala... looking at all your pictures has been amazing... they're so beautiful!
after reading this last blog, i thought back to my two trips to safrica. i definitely didn't experience what you would have, being down in Guatemala for six months, but i do know that coming home sucks. people don't know you, you don't know them... and even though it's called "home" it sure doesn't feel like it. i just want to encourage you to hang in there. it'll get better... (although that's hard to believe right now)... and i think that a lot of times people do want to know about your experiences but they're unsure of how/what to ask... i dunno. it's rough. anyway, your blog has been incredible.. i love reading about overseas adventures; i was actually looking into the Guatemala program at one point back during the fvchs days...
so yeah. keep holdin' on tight...

6:03 PM

Blogger Lynn Webb said...

I agree with Sharla, Kim. It isnt easy being back home because no one truely understands the experience you had being away. All you can do is ask them to support and pray for you even if they dont understand why. Keep pressing on!

6:10 PM

Blogger Sara said...

I thought you wouldn't want to talk about your trip with me because I am not in your circle of friends (you know what I mean lady)... Call me and we should get together this weekend.

10:09 AM

Blogger Louise Chapman said...

Hey Kim, I appreciate you sharing those feelings. I remember it was hard for me to realize that everyone was fine here without me; FVC had teachers to replace me, my family was busy with their own stuff, my friends had other friends...that was def. an adjustment for me. Also, even if you tell your stories, it seems like no one really understands. It does get better, I promise! Louise

6:45 AM

Blogger emma said...

dear kim. i love you. and i love the talks we've had since you've come back. it's interesting that no matter how long you're gone for or where you've gone, there's a friend who can relate to you with the feelings you experience when coming home. anyway, you know i'm here. ps can't wait for kids camp it's gonna be a blast!!!!

4:30 PM


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