So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Well October came faster then I could have ever imagined. Work is going good as always and with school hitting midterm time, life is moving pretty fast. The last couple weeks have been full of changes. Was able to spend some time with the fam during Thanks Giving. Brother Dave is doing great as always, Brother Mark and Kylie are are fine aswell. Sister Sara and Bro Josh (and moose) are lovin the new house. Even though I'm living under Ma and Pa I dont seem them that often. With me working late most nights and getting up early for school is seems all my time is acounted for. But ya never know....

Some how between school, work, church , fam and friends, I have found a spot for a new boy in my life....and with not many people knowing about him yet, this post may bring up some talk :) (sista sara??? suprised?? ) Well not much else to announce here...

so comment away.... :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whaaaaaat? Where did you meet this new boy, and when did you have time? My guess either at work or at church. Come upstairs and fill me in tonight!

7:49 AM

Blogger Sara said...

Okay well I am not 'suprised' because that is not a real word...

I am not surprised either because I figured that you would catch some guy's eye soon enough with work and school.

So who is this boy and why is there no information about him on this site yet?? Come on Sista Kim - post some details!!!

6:22 PM


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