So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Friday, June 30, 2006

Grad x2

Well with an amazing first week home I thought I would share with you a picture of one of my most favorite girls! Me and Sarah Balzer started becoming close friends at Kids Camp last year and threw out Kids Church and stuff we kept getting closer. With my departure for 6 months we kept in touch pretty well with msn and now that I'm back the good times have begun again. Last night (Grad night) we ended up enjoying an amazing adventure of 2 grads! We started at the FVC grad at Willingdon (to see David Balzer and Josh Gagner graduate) and then ventured over to the PA grad at the Pattison theater (to see Justin and Jonnys girl friend graduate). With Sarah I was able to reap the benifits of the "HOV." We got there too quick, but it was worth it. We made it to see Justin get his scholarship and be able to suprise him at the end.
Sarah: Thanx for a GREAT night!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Home as home can be!

Well friday night at 9pm I arrived back on Canadian soil! The joy that was running threw my veins was intense and I dont know if I'll ever feel like that ever again. So much happiness, so much expectation and so much relief to finally be back home. I was greeted at the Airport by my family, and friends soon to follow (Ashley, Emma and Andrea wer late, as usual). Well back to my house to look at the pictures and handout gifts. It was an amazing night of catching up and just enjoying everything that home comes along with. Now being tuesday I've seen almost everyone ...well almost. I still have most of the FVC clan to see...and that will happen at the FVC Grad on Thursday Night. I've seen all my VCC clan and some of the NSS things are all coming together.

Saturday my sister and her husband move out of their house (the suite under my parents house) and I move right on in. I wont be working for the summer so I'm looking forward to using my house to its fully capacity with holding bible studies and just chillin with friends.

In the fall I'm going to UCFV part time and working to pay off my debt from Guatemala. I hope to have it all taken care of soon, and ready to move on. Its time to turn another page and get right into the life God has for me here!

I'm ready.....
and waiting....
Here it comes.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Last one..i promise...maybe

Well monday night our friends threw us a going away party, full with good food, hilarious games and like always, a water fight :)

Tara, me, Rachel, Sara, Nikki and Dave
(gonna miss you guys!)

Esau getting me ready for the Pinata.

We all just got a little was good time! (Clay and Tara)

Well since majority of my time is spent at the hospital these days, I thought I would let you all in, and show you the kids I work with.

My little Hilda.

Kimberly and Kimberly
(the first Kim I've met while down here)

My little Hilda again :)
(gonna miss these kids too)

Monday, June 19, 2006

4 days!!!

Well here is one of my last posts from Guatemalan I am home in 4 days! The last couple days have been full of goodbyes, which equals lots of pictures. Here you go...enjoy!

Ale me and Carlos at my favorite resturant, Cafe Sky. You eat on this patio over looking the city, its an amazing view!
Note: Check out the hats the boys are wearing. Yea Canada!

Jorge, me, Jonathan, Clay and Isai. We made them all dinner last week, good times had by all.

Heather and me.

Me and Clay listening to some good tunes!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

soon to be home

Last week I had a chance to go hangout with my team. We all went for dinner, it was awesome! Here are a couple pictures from that.

Me Amanda and Rachel

Amanda and I

Well being in Latin American right now, I have caught the futball bug. With the World Cup kicking off last week everyones day is timed around when the games are. So I have decided to choose my team, and if you know me even alittle you know who I picked. Holland. So the jersey has been bought and the bets are on!!!

Here is just an example of how much I miss you all. This is the background on my computer...I miss you all sooo much!!!

Sorry to all the rest, but these are probably the two people I miss the most (other then my family of course)!
**Miss ya bubbles and BonJovi!! Love ya!**

Friday, June 02, 2006

Here are some random pictures from the last couple of days.

I took this picture on the way to the coffee shop yesterday. What a great morning view :)

Me and Alex (dont think anything mom, we are just friends)

Heather, Isai and Me. Isai was in Germany or three months visiting his girl friend. If you remember back to a february post I talked about my friend leaving, well he's back now! We are all really excited!Tuesday Heather and me went to the city for a good day off. She had the day off work so we wanted to somthing different. I found this shirt in a store. I didnt have enough money to buy it, so we just took a picture of it. If you can't read it is says "Explain to me again why I need a boyfriend." Good eh?!