So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Friday, April 28, 2006

Zoo and Forest

So this past week we have only had to take classes in the morning, which is sooo nice. So with the afternoons off we had time to go to some more stuff around Guatemala. So on wednesday we went on a Zoo. The cool thing is you drive your car through the park and the animals walk right around you, it was awesome!!!
Yea, I'm watching you!!
aww...i wish i could free you..
but then I couldn't feed you :)
Then on Saturaday we went to this nature park, which was really fun. We found these cool swings in the forest and had some good times!

This these are the things you were not allowed in the park...

Area of

Friday, April 21, 2006


Well this week has been awesome, except for the fact that it has hit the 4 months mark, meaning a lot of friends are leaving us, and going back to where ever it is they are from. Well here are some pictures of our last days with Josh, Dan, Guatexan and Matt. Dave is leaving soon too, but not for another 2 weeks.

Me and Dave, with Ashley and Matt in the background :)

Dan!! (he's from Bellingham!!!)

Me and Matt, cya in Minnesota..

Here is me and Guatexan (yes he is Guatemalan!)

Amanda, Josh, Matt, Me and Alex. (Matts last

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


So last week was Holy week, Semana Santa. We had a great weekend of ministry and celebrations. Here are some pictures of the Catholic Celebrations. This is the Mary display, these women pay to be apart of this. They weight 1000's of pounds by the way, and walk through the streets for hours.
Over the last couple of years, this really has become more like a fair with all the people that come to see it. Its so much like a fair the week includes cotton candy, little toys, games, arcades, and food venders everywhere.

For the majority of the week people are out in the street making these carpets for the processions. It takes these people all day to make them and they get ruined in about 30seconds. There are many forms of them aswell: saw dust, flowers, veggies (i know!) and even bottle caps.

The carpets are usually made by the Catholic families of Antigua but many families who have become Christian still make them out of tradition. This is the carpet our friend Jorge's family made, it was crazy. If you look close you can see they used saw dust and flowers.
This is just before the procession came and ruined it all. This shot also shows you are roads here, I love the cobble stone!

The Roman Soldiers that march through town all week. They change outfits every day for a whole week.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


So last weekend me and Tara went to the Coast to meet up with her Aunt and Cousin. It was a great weekend away, with some amazing memories and a darker tan to prove it.

This is a shot from our table we ate at every meal, nice view eh?!

Well on sunday morning we woke up early to take a boat tour of the lagoon. We saw a lot of sweet birds and the sun rise was just amazing.

The end of a great week end, but ready to go back home (Antigua).

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Well here are the promised pictures from Tikal:
Here's me sitting on top of one the temples with two other in the background.
Us all chillin on top of the steepest temple, really scared to climb down.
Just me...thums up Brandi-lee
Any Star Wars fans? Well if you are you will see this is a shot from Star wars....sweet deal.

Well here is the prof that I was really here. I am the one on the far left, its goes: me, Amanda, Melody and Liz.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Little update.

Well here is the thing: I have been trying to get my friends to put their pictures of Tikal up so I can put them on here (since my cameras batteries died that day) so here is one picture I got out of our last day of the trip...enjoy...

wow...wouldnt it be awesome to live right here...(more pictures to come, to prove I was accually here!!!) :)

Tomorrow me and Tara are going to the beach to meet her aunt and cousin who are here for two weeks. Just me, Tara and the ocean...its gonna be a great of that will for sure come aswell.

Monday, April 03, 2006

5 day Adventure

Well last night was got home from a 5 day adventure around Guatemala and Honduras.

The pictures do the talking.

Me in Honduras, it was HOT!

Well we got into Honduras really easily and we spent the night on the town. Me, Amanda, Tara and Rachel got some sweet smoothies..and did some awesome shopping.

Ok, well the next morning we went to Copan, the Mayan ruins, where we walked around for a couple hours and learnt alot about the Mayan civilization. It was so intresting.

Check this out!! Wicked eh Nathan!!

Then after Honduras we drove back into Guatemala and up to the east coast, Caribean!! We took a 2 hour boat ride through the Jungle with crazy birds and cool views..Jurassic Park again!

to be continued.....