So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Friday, April 21, 2006


Well this week has been awesome, except for the fact that it has hit the 4 months mark, meaning a lot of friends are leaving us, and going back to where ever it is they are from. Well here are some pictures of our last days with Josh, Dan, Guatexan and Matt. Dave is leaving soon too, but not for another 2 weeks.

Me and Dave, with Ashley and Matt in the background :)

Dan!! (he's from Bellingham!!!)

Me and Matt, cya in Minnesota..

Here is me and Guatexan (yes he is Guatemalan!)

Amanda, Josh, Matt, Me and Alex. (Matts last


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pics. i guess that will be my new nick name "guatexan" very nice. luv ya kim. Josh

9:44 PM

Blogger Sara said...

Please tell me if DAN FROM BELLINGHAM is DAN FREISWICK!!! One of my best friends from Dordt!!!

That has to be him with a beard!!

If he is still there, tell him you are my sister - he won't believe you because it is too freaking weird!!

2:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure looks like you are making friends for life down there, so cool!

4:54 PM

Blogger Sara said...

You need a new post!! It has been a whole week. I know you are having fun and busy and blah blah excuses excuses.... Well I am bored up here and need something to read :)

Thanks in advance!!

7:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have one thing to say, less shmoozing with the boys ... MORE WORK! get your head in the game VanEe!!!

4:11 PM


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