So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Well here are the promised pictures from Tikal:
Here's me sitting on top of one the temples with two other in the background.
Us all chillin on top of the steepest temple, really scared to climb down.
Just me...thums up Brandi-lee
Any Star Wars fans? Well if you are you will see this is a shot from Star wars....sweet deal.

Well here is the prof that I was really here. I am the one on the far left, its goes: me, Amanda, Melody and Liz.


Blogger Sara said...

I have to keep changing my wallpaper on my work computer because you keep posting sweet pictures. Thanks for reading my quotes and TV commentary :) Post the pic of the fat weimmie!!

8:52 AM

Blogger emma said...

yay for more gorgeous pictures! your blog provides refreshment and a little break from Camus' existentialism and attempting to write a philosophical paper in French. Wooo. I miss you my love!!! PS. NICE PANTS ;)

10:34 PM

Blogger Stewart said...


9:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's all I can say. You look sooooo happy Kim! I bet it was a welcome break from school etc. You are truly having the experience of your life, so far.....

10:43 AM

Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

I'm very impressed that you managed to wind up on Yavin IV (the Star Wars shot)... looks like you're getting to see some really neat stuff! Hope everything's going well.


5:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're pretty much awesome! i miss you tons! you're really quite cute!

9:14 PM


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