So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Leavin again...

For the last week I have been living in my Guatemalan home, which I just love! They are so awesome and love trying to understand what I am saying, the spanish is getting better everyday. I have been LOVING eating beans, rice and tortilla almost every meal...I'm not kiding, I LOVE beans, rice and tortillas, you can ask anyone on my team. I am slowly but surley becoming Guatemalan. :) The heat is getting intense. It was about 40 all day yesterday, i could feel my arms burning just walking back to the campus for class yesterday. But luckly, I dont burn, so intern the tan is getting insane. :)

Well to let you all know what I am up to for the next week, my schedual follows:
We are leaving for Honduras tomorrow. We are first driving to Honduras to get our VISA's renewed, so we are spending the night and going to the Mayan ruins there in Copan, the second biggest ruins..its going to be awesome. Then we drive up to the east coast (caribbean) !!!! There we take a two hour jugle boat ride up a river to the coast, to Livingston. After a couple days there we are off to Tikal, the largest Mayan ruins in Guatemala. We are also visiting the place they filmed survivor. Ya....then we drive all the way back home. We do all of this is 5 days, and we will be back on sunday. Well that is my schedual for the next 5 days....sounds pretty sweet eh.!!

I hope you all have a great week where ever you are :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what an fascinating few days you have coming up! Take lots of pics! Pocohontas here you come!

10:44 AM

Blogger Sara said...

Jungle Boat Ride??! You are living the dream lady. Sounds like a sweet time. Bet you can't wait to come back and ride on the Skytrain again!! **SARCASM**

2:27 PM

Blogger Stewart said...

you'll have to cook up some rice, beans and tortillas when you get home... i'm salivating.

4:02 PM

Blogger emma said...


I'm so excited for you!! Your spanish must be improving so much!!! How was that jungle boat? Did you get attacked by any wild animals?? As the previous commentator said, I too am salivating, you'll have to give us a taste when you get back! As for Quebec, I'd be gone for the month of May and June (I would most likely be back by June 16th...depending on if I decide to stay a bit longer outside of campus). Love you tons!!!!!!!! and MISS YOU!!!!!

9:24 AM


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