So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


So last week was Holy week, Semana Santa. We had a great weekend of ministry and celebrations. Here are some pictures of the Catholic Celebrations. This is the Mary display, these women pay to be apart of this. They weight 1000's of pounds by the way, and walk through the streets for hours.
Over the last couple of years, this really has become more like a fair with all the people that come to see it. Its so much like a fair the week includes cotton candy, little toys, games, arcades, and food venders everywhere.

For the majority of the week people are out in the street making these carpets for the processions. It takes these people all day to make them and they get ruined in about 30seconds. There are many forms of them aswell: saw dust, flowers, veggies (i know!) and even bottle caps.

The carpets are usually made by the Catholic families of Antigua but many families who have become Christian still make them out of tradition. This is the carpet our friend Jorge's family made, it was crazy. If you look close you can see they used saw dust and flowers.
This is just before the procession came and ruined it all. This shot also shows you are roads here, I love the cobble stone!

The Roman Soldiers that march through town all week. They change outfits every day for a whole week.


Blogger Sara said...

These pictures are amazing!! Guatemala looks so colorful! Mom told me all about your dramas you were doing down there - that is so cool to have an effect on people with such strong traditions.

Crazy girl

7:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, how neat to see how other people celebrate holy week. What an experience!

4:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, how neat to see how other people celebrate holy week. What an experience!

4:53 PM


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