So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Strength from within

God is building me up from within. Everyday I wake to another hard day, harder then the day before, more to go through, and more to bare.

At the end of everyday I pass out on my bed and think of all the Lord is teaching me through this. I know the Lord will stay true to his promises, but its my earthly mind that over thinks it all.

Why did God call me down here? Was it only to be here with these kids during this hard time in their young lives. Was it for me to bare this burden for them, learning to deal with it all. Am I here to learn more about what he wants me to do with the rest of my this something I am going to be doing in my future? God has taught me so much these past 2 1/2 months...yet I am so ready to just stop learning and come home.

I will be here for 4 more weeks now and then head back to Guate. I'm spending my last week with my friend Liz in Guatemala, travelling around, visiting old mission sights we were at last year, and really just hangout before we both head back home.

June 23rd is the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


We are so glad you had the opportunity to work with kids in an orphanage as you dreamt of. Who knows where this will lead you right? Only God knows. Enjoy your last month, especially with Deanna, Julia and Liz!

Love, Mom

2:32 PM

Blogger Amay said...

Hey Beautiful Girl.. I guess i has been a while since I caught up on your blog. And well thats my bad. Reading your last couple entries brought tears to my eyes, tears of joy. Because the Lord is working amazingly in your life. Since I have seen you again in Guatemala just a few months ago, I can see a great change in your heart. and I thank God that you have chosen to draw closer to Him, and Him to you. I am so proud of you, and I miss you so much. I just want you to know that everything you are doing is bringing glory to His kingdom, every step you take whether it be in joy or in pain, is adding to your life here on earth...not in the world but of the world. Keep your chin up, keep your eyes bright, and Hold Strong! to all you believe, all you know and all you love. All my heart.

7:49 AM


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