So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Monday, April 16, 2007


Here is just a quick run down of Virginias story. In January Virginia broke her arm falling off the pool ladder here at the orphanage. It was a clean break, or so they thought. The bone was set for one break but as we found out about a month ago there were two. On thursday she went in to have the second break set. When they put her down for the operation they gave her too much anastetic that her little 5 years old body could not handle. Her heart stopped her 5 mins aswell as her breathing. They fought for 2 hours to get her back to stable. Since thursday she has now been in a coma. Her eyes are open, yet she does not respond to touch or talking. Last night her body starting going in to seizures and has not stopped. She seizes for a couple minuets and repeats, with the longest rest being 20mins.

Brad and Debbie decided they could not stand by and just watch. Today they boarded a plane to the capital city with Virginia in their arms. They are bringing her a bigger and better hospital where we can hope to get some answers, compared to the small hospital here on the island.

They will so be considering looking for longer term care if she does not get any better in the next few days. We are not sure if that care will be possible here on the island, and she will probably be a far way from us on the mainland.

Please continue to pray...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will keep praying for Virginia, and everyone at the orphanage. This is sure a difficult thing to understand, no one can actually. Be strong in your faith, this may be why you were called there. God is in control.

Much love,


3:35 PM

Blogger Lauren Heinen said...

hi kim,
i think the last time i saw or talked to you was at ali's weddding...that was a long time ago.
it's great to see that you are following your heart and calling. you are doing exactly what i want to do...once im done nursing, hopefully.
i will keep virginia in my prayers as well as everyone else that you work with, as well as yourself. it's so hard to see such a precious child going through such hard circumstances...keep pressing on.

12:33 AM


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