So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Its been awhile I know

Hey y'all..

yes I know its been a long time really since I've posted, compared to how much I posted last year while I was away.

Things here have been crazy busy from sun rise to sun set. Working from 7am- 10pm about just wears me out pretty good everyday and I sleep very well :) Over the next three weeks Lesley will be watching Jeffrey in the afternoons which give me alittle more time with the rest of the kids, which results in more work :) I wake up early every day to make break for the kids as usual and now stay away till they are all in bed so I can kiss em all good night.

I also started leading worship at the church here...pretty crazy blessing. I fell in love with this church the moment I got here. Such loving people just open to whatever God has for them. I told them I sing back home, and they were like cool...come sing sunday, practise is saturday, and thats how is started. Been singing there more then a month now :)

So is crazy, God is good....woo hoo.

If you want to keep up dated on pictures just click on the facebook link on the right side of the screen, I post new pics there every couple days :)

thanx y'all for your prayers...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kim - glad to see you can see how God is really using you down there. I'm selfishly excited to see you when you get home :)

11:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's been good to hear your voice when you phone. It makes Honduras not very far away. Keep doing your good work for the Lord down there!



7:27 AM


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