So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The count down...3 weeks...

Life is good, busy...but good.

I was able to spend 6 days away as a bunch of friends randomly came to Roatan to vacation after a mission trip they had on the mainland. Julia, D and Peter brought along the rest of their group from Kings University, so it was awesome to finally be able to have time to chill with people my own age.

Now back to work and only 2 weeks left here with the kids time is flying by. On saturday we have more help arriving which will be nice to free up my last week. I am going to spend my last week living in Tana and Pedros house as there will be limited room here in the main building. Tana and Pedros house is still on the orphanage property so I will still be here 24/7 with the kids.

Planning on leaving here on the 11th or around there to travel back to Antigua to spend my last week travelling around with Liz (a friend from back home aswell). God is opening up so many doors in the way of ministry here in Roatan and Guatemala. Praising God everyday all day!!

Can't wait to see you all....
3 more weeks!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

KIM!!! Thanks so much for the comment! I can't wait t'il you come home again!! It must be going by so fast for you! Enjoy every moment of it! You're amazing and God is doing awesome things in and through you!


4:45 PM


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