So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

its a new life!

Here are two pics of my house in Antigua. I love it there so much!
Here is my roomy in our window looking out into the street. This is probably my favorite place in our place. We sit here alot together and just chill.
Here is our place. We have three rooms. Heathers room, the bathroom and then our mutli-room (kitchen, dinning room and my bedroom). You can see my bed in the bottom right corner of the picuture. On the right is my dresser and nightside table. To the left is the kitchen and the dinning room. Through the door is Heathers room. Also to the right is our windom. :) So this is my home for the next little bit.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

the lake

Lake Atitlan

Me :) yay for boat rides!

For one and half days last week end we all headed to Lake Atitlan. The picture kinda tells the story...amazing!


We had an amazing time seeing all the sites but decided to take some time out of our day to go see the site of a village that was ruined by the mud slides in November.

I'll tell try to sum up the whole strory quickly. For 5 days the area was hit with intense rains. The rain wasn't the problem, since it rains all the time. The problem was that the cratter or the near by volcano was slowly filling with water. On the fifth day in the middle of the night, the cratter broke open, letting all the water out. The water ran through this town. These pictures show the result. The death tool was around 1200. So much of the village was taken out and unable to dig out. Instead of trying to dig it all out, most of the town was just deamed a mass grave site. Some famlies have tried to rebuild, but with little relief effort brought in, most have given up.

Within all this distruction, we were still able to find hope. This little boy and his brother and sister who live meters from the slide have some how found a way to laugh again.

Monday, May 22, 2006

life has changed!

Hey y'all. If any of you read my post yesterday, forget all of that! :) Yesterday I took a big leap of faith and decided to go out on my own into full time ministry.
This includes many things:
1) I will be living in Antigua with my friend heather, from Alabama.
2) I already started spanish classes 4 hours everyday, to better my ministry opportunities.
3) I will be voluntering in different places in Antigua
2 options being:
In a ministry coffee shop (that associated with my church) and helping in the hospital across from my house. I will be helping with the disabled children.
There are many more options coming up every second, and I pray I am able to see which ones God is truely calling me to.

Pray that all these opportunities all work out and God continues to show me all he has planned for my life this next month.
I will still be arriving back home on June 23.
Another amazing blessing, is that from my professor from Trinity Western University. Her name is Ruth. She is finding ways for me to complete my two remaining classes through the university, she is just an amazing blessing from God.

So to end. I want to say sorry to all of you who were worried about me these past couple of days. I have never been at this much peace in my life before. God continues to show me his plan for my life, things I had never even thought about :) I LOVE you all soooo much. Thank you to all of you who are praying for me, your prayers are really breaking through.

Monday, May 08, 2006

May has begun...

I have decided; if I marry a Guatemalan, I am going to get marride infront of this church ;)
This past week I was blessed with a visit from my friend Cory. He was here for two weeks, he climbed a volacano, went to the lake and went to spanish classes. It was a great couple weeks just chillin Antigua where we got involved in some ministries too. It was an awesome two weeks!

I thought I would show you guys what our public busses look here...

Also I never posted pictures from when PA was here in here you go:

yep...5 in a taxi like this..awesome. Amanda was in here too, she took the picture...:)

me and danny...nice hair :)

Well till next time :) enjoy...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pictures from the end of April

Well here are some random pictures, from nothing specific. Just around town and random things we've all been up to, enjoy.

Our towns sign. Ah...home.

My favorite spot in Antigua.

Last week we went up to this boys home we visited in January. Its boys anywhere from 5 to 15 or so, they are so awesome. So we just hungout with them all afternoon, and had some great laughs. Here's David running around with two of the younger boys.

Antigua at night, wow.

Lunch at the Mono Loco.
From right to left: Jorge, Amanda, Rachel, Abner, Tara, Ashley and Jonathan.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Guatie Kim

So I thought I would just show you all how dark I am compared to when I left, this way you will be able to know who I am when I get home.
The first picture was taken in January, the second was take less then a week ago. Also take into account that I have been to the beach since the second one was taken, so I've a little darker then this now.

*Dutchie Kim *<------->Guatie Kim*