So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Monday, May 08, 2006

May has begun...

I have decided; if I marry a Guatemalan, I am going to get marride infront of this church ;)
This past week I was blessed with a visit from my friend Cory. He was here for two weeks, he climbed a volacano, went to the lake and went to spanish classes. It was a great couple weeks just chillin Antigua where we got involved in some ministries too. It was an awesome two weeks!

I thought I would show you guys what our public busses look here...

Also I never posted pictures from when PA was here in here you go:

yep...5 in a taxi like this..awesome. Amanda was in here too, she took the picture...:)

me and danny...nice hair :)

Well till next time :) enjoy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy black person kim!!! way to go on your tan!
you thought i looked white before - get ready!

4:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you marry a Guatemalan???? Whaaaaat? As usual more gorgeous pics of your time down there.

5:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey gorgeous!! It`s been so long since we last spoke and since I've been able to check your blog. When do you get back home...we might be arriving around the same time..anyway looks like your having a blast as usual. Trois rivieres is not exactly antigua. ahhah theres not a whole lot to do out here but the studying / on campus shindigs keep things a little more interesting. Love ya tons!!!!

1:31 PM

Blogger Sara said...

May is half way over... you need a new post!

The Bus picture is my background on my work computer :)

Love the pictures and the posts - sweet tan!!

2:50 PM


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