So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The count down...3 weeks...

Life is good, busy...but good.

I was able to spend 6 days away as a bunch of friends randomly came to Roatan to vacation after a mission trip they had on the mainland. Julia, D and Peter brought along the rest of their group from Kings University, so it was awesome to finally be able to have time to chill with people my own age.

Now back to work and only 2 weeks left here with the kids time is flying by. On saturday we have more help arriving which will be nice to free up my last week. I am going to spend my last week living in Tana and Pedros house as there will be limited room here in the main building. Tana and Pedros house is still on the orphanage property so I will still be here 24/7 with the kids.

Planning on leaving here on the 11th or around there to travel back to Antigua to spend my last week travelling around with Liz (a friend from back home aswell). God is opening up so many doors in the way of ministry here in Roatan and Guatemala. Praising God everyday all day!!

Can't wait to see you all....
3 more weeks!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Strength from within

God is building me up from within. Everyday I wake to another hard day, harder then the day before, more to go through, and more to bare.

At the end of everyday I pass out on my bed and think of all the Lord is teaching me through this. I know the Lord will stay true to his promises, but its my earthly mind that over thinks it all.

Why did God call me down here? Was it only to be here with these kids during this hard time in their young lives. Was it for me to bare this burden for them, learning to deal with it all. Am I here to learn more about what he wants me to do with the rest of my this something I am going to be doing in my future? God has taught me so much these past 2 1/2 months...yet I am so ready to just stop learning and come home.

I will be here for 4 more weeks now and then head back to Guate. I'm spending my last week with my friend Liz in Guatemala, travelling around, visiting old mission sights we were at last year, and really just hangout before we both head back home.

June 23rd is the day.

Friday, May 04, 2007

man what to say

Today is the count of 10 weeks being away from

If I could have imagined where I am today, in body spirit and soul I would have never guessed here, even close to here. God has stretched me so much these past 10 weeks. From my time in Guatemala, seeing old friends and realizing time really doesnt change that place very much. Sure it was missing some of the old crew, but I will always call Guatemala my second love. Even in those 2 weeks God opened my eyes to the life he has been ready for my to live for years now. I decided I am ready to move on, grow up and get ready for the rest of my life.

Then arriving here in Honduras I got settled in after a month and started finally un packing my bags. Having my own space and really own schedual I was ready to start this time. With energy in my bones and spunk in my step I thought I could take on anything.

Then 2 just two weeks ago we were hit with the biggest challenge of my life. Having to personally deal with the lose of Virigina and still day to day thinking about it, I had to pick myself up, dust myself off and put on the face of joy making it possible for these kids to get through it. With no one here but God to comfort me I finally gave into his embrace and took it for what it was worth, a great lose in all our lives, but joy in hers. She had had the hardest little life for a 5 year old girl. And I praise God for making her her last year on this earth her best. She smiled lots her last year, hugged many people, drew many drawings, sang many songs and touched many lives. While she was with us we called her our little angel, and that is what she is today. I still cry for her, and miss her everyday. Its not the same around her with her little laugh echoeing through the halls and her endless songs ringing in my ears. I miss her a lot!

Now pushing on to these next 7 weeks my heart aches to know whats to come. I pray God continues to challenge me even though I dont want it, but its worth it all. I want to come home a different girl, I want to come home wiser and stronger in my faith. God is Good...he will answer both these prayers. Praise God.
