So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well all the good byes were said and I am now in Guatemala. Life here is good, and HOT! As this is my first post away I'm just gonna post the pics from my going away lunchin' :0

Smiles forever...cya all soon!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Good Bye y'all

Well today is the day, and I dont feel ready at all! With my bags packed at the door and waiting to go I sit here wondering why I am going again, and then I remember...

When I think of all God has in store for my time in Guatemala and Honduras I can't help but get excited! Guatemala is going to be a couple weeks of excitment, seeing Amanda and chillin with my Guate friends. Sitting in the park every morning reading my bible chit chatting with who ever wants to talk. Guatemala is a country with so much need, not only the Guatemalan people but also the heavy flow of tourists. I am excited for my time in Guatemala and all I will be able to see and accomplish.

Honduras, well I have no idea what to expect. Mostly now I am praying for safe travels. well... I've been so busy it seems I keep forgetting to, so please pray. Prayer is key in this trip! Once I am on the island I am going to be opening myself up to ANYTHING God wants me to see, hear, do, and influence. Whatever is the need, I will be there with open arms and a loving heart.

Pray for a blessing of safe travel and amazing experiences.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Continue to press in

Well as life goes on and things continue to change I must post once again. Monday continues to move closer and closer to today.

In the last week I changed a lot in my life. After finally realizing that I must fully and whole heartedly serve God with my WHOLE, life I ended the relationship I was in. It has been an emotion filled week, explained best by "rollercoaster".

God is once again #1 in my life and he continues to bless me. Life is on its way up. Joy is in the air for sure and my heart is ready for all he has in store for me.

I praise God with all that I am and pray that he not only uses me to my fullest while away but he maintains and grows the relationships I have here back home.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 26th is Departure day!!!

The Details :)

On February 26th I will be boarding my second plane to Guatemala. As I mentioned in a previous post I will be away again from March till June. I am going to spend 2 weeks in Guatemala catching up with my friends there and just hanging out before I head to Honduras. I will be taking a tourist bus to Honduras (which is safe) and then taking the ferry to the island. Once on the island I will be picked up by Brad and Debbie Warren, the directors of the Orphanage I will be working at. My time will be spent working at the Child Sponsorship International Orphanage in Sandy Bay Honduras, on the island of Roatan. The home cares for 17 children ranging from infants to teenagers. My job will be to care for these children as if they were my own. I will be working closely with Brad and Debbie Warren, the founders and directors of the home. I will returning home then in mid June.

I am looking forward to whole heartedly
live this dream that God instilled in my heart.

Please continue to pray for strength and energy during my time in Honduras, that the Lord will be able to use me to my full ability and bless the children of Honduras.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Friday, February 02, 2007

for sara

since I haven't posted in a month sister sara is getting on my case. but honestly I'm too busy to post. With "flying away day" approaching quickly it is hard filling everyday to the fullest just hoping I dont miss out on anything. I will be leaving some time at the end of THIS MONTH!!! crazy!!! I am really excited but scared. I will update better in the next couple days, gtg to work.