So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

fotos for fun....

Well this week hasnt been much for adventure, other then me getting sick for the first time. It was fine though, I was %100 with in one day. There really isn't much so say, I just felt like I should post something since it's been here are some pics from a couple weeks ago..

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Como estas?

Bien Bien! So yesterday was the coolest day ever!! Being Valentines day and me hating Valentines day I knew that I was going to have to find a way to make myself happy. So after waking up, getting through breakfast, Devotions and New Testiment Studies I finally had the chance. After laying out my towel and getting into my bathingsuit (yes is all sounds so nice down here) I went out to chill with my fellow "tanners"..being a hot day we were not going to let it get by us. So there I sat on my towel...and you ask: How are you going to make yourself happy? Well it all layed in the hands of these simple numbers... 001-604-599-8989. Now if you know me well enough you know that those numbers = a call to the office of VCC. With a quick explenation of "I'm calling long distance...Guatemala", Anne was quick to her feet to run and find my love. My love = Ashley! Only being able to talk to her for a wonderous bit (since it was life women time) she trasfered me to Helen Balzer, and wow, it is so good to hear the voices from home, there was a huge smile on my face!!! and THEN, Helens wonderful idea, she transferd me to PJ!! Another great voice to hear. Talking with PJ made me feel so loved by my "victory family" and just talking to him made me excited for being down here! So basically the best day since I left home....13 numbers = the best call I could have ever made!

So....Here I sit in the living room with Tara, Sara, David, Karla and Kyle, should be studying spanish..but no...I spend my time talking to all of you and eating pop corn....

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Volcano Bandit!

Well I am back again, and this time for good...well 5 weeks that is. We are back at "home" (the campus) and life is good. We are really looking forward to settling in for a longer time now. Most of you are on my update email list, so I dont want to repeat myself too much, so here are some pics.

This is the view from half way up the mountain, yes I climbed all the way!
Here's our team and the kids we met at th top of the mountain.
You can find me on the left side (Juan Carlos, Liz, and then me)I dont know about you, but this reminds me of Jurassic Park...

And here is me with the boy I am planning on sponsoring.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

gone for a week

Hey, just to let you all know I wont be online or updating this for a week since I will be gone till next saturday. We are heading up to Tactic in the north part of Guatemala...ROAD TRIP! (ah 4 hours) so yea. Have a great week, and take some time to check out the new pics and make sure to comment :) miss ya.

last two week ends


Me, with Volcano in back ground.

My team on my b-day.
Chillin' on the streets of Yepocapa (my b-day)
Here we are on the "ferry" on the way to the beach.
Evening boogy boarding (David)(Sarah and Tara)
Guatemalan Sunset
Me, Tara and Nikki havin some fresh coconut. End to a great week end!!