So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Ok, i know you are all getting bored of pictures of everyone eles on the team and not me...but I am taking the I'm there OK!.. Well here we are waiting for the chicken bus in the morning outside our little community of San Pedro el Alto. It is so nice, we have our own guard to keep us safe...and he is soo nice! :)

ok, this is one of the coolest places in Anitgua (aside from all the ruins)...well this is a section of the local market. The maya people that live in the hills surrowing antigua come down into town to sell the goods they have made. The markets has so much stuff it is impossible to list all of it but here is a taste: Purses, jewlery, clothes, blankets, decorations...and the list goes on....It is the coolest place to interact with the maya people and also meet people from all around the world. This is a view of the indoor market, there is also a large section of outdoor market aswell. (all together the market is 3 blocks wide and 5 blocks long!!!)

hey, I'm in this one!! woo hoo!! Well the thing I love the most about Antigua is that most of the ruins and resorted buildings are open to the public. All it takes to find these places is taking an afternoon to walk around. We found this place on Wednesday we just walked into this large courtyard to take a picture of ruins and we found this door into this open building. It consisted of two large courtyard with fountains surrowned by a two store house. The house was recently resorted to its original look and it now a public art gallery and museum. It was AMAZING!!!

Sweet..well here are two more views of the I said it is big!! and FREEE!! and dont walk on the grass...thats what the walk ways are for!

K, well here is a shot of one of the ruins. This kinds shows you how big they are. There is so much history here it is amazing! My fav thing about all these places, is that every statue is headless. During the spanish conquest warriors would break of the saints heads to signify the invasion of the city....or somthing like

Cool well that is it for now...time for bed...yea I go to bed early now!


Blogger Abby Mommy said...

Kim, those pictures are truly beautiful, wow. How cool that you can experience this at such a young age, I am so glad for you. When people say to me, 'Oh, you must miss Kim so much." I say, "Sure I miss her a bit, but look how much she is experiencing down there, how could we stop her from doing that if she can?" That would be so selfish of us. ENJOY!!

9:23 AM

Blogger Stewart said...

good stuff Kim. It looks amazing.
You'll have to let me know when you get your first tropical downpour! that is something you'll never forget.


6:17 PM


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