So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Monday, January 09, 2006

day o' fun

Today was so exciting. We started the day with Spanish school and had that for 4 hours. We then had to get back to the campus on our own the "chicken bus" the public transit. Then we sun tanned for about 2 hours had lunch and headed back to the city for salsa dance lessons (soooo fun!!!) I am soaking in anything I can of this culture, I love it sooo much.

So today I learnt two new things...A little more spanish and a lot more salsa !!!


Blogger Abby Mommy said...

sorry about the having to make a blog to comment. I changed the settings on my blog (which i didnt know I could do untill now) so now you can comment with out having a comment away.

5:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That girl in the second picture from the top looks like Katie Couric.

8:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way thanks for changing it but THE DAMAGE IS DONE. BWAAA HAHA HA man, I sound like a nerd. Miss me yet??

8:50 AM


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