So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Back at the Campus

WOW...what a great weekend! I dont have my pictures ready to put on yet, but I promise I will soon. This weekend was spent with two missionary couples from Canada who live here in Guatemala. They live in a really poor and excluded area which is a very unapealing place to do missions. Heres the run down of our weekend:

Thursday: Wake up at 5, get in van and drive 2 hours to San Juan (a small village in the southern hills of Guatemala)
-We then has some "fun time" of shoveling sand and just moving it around, then we gatherd brush and put it in pills to burn.
-Then what we thought was a "short walk" turned into a hike that was 5 miles long down mountain sides and through rivers to two small schools to deliver school bags to 50 kids.
Friday: Early wake up to another hike, but this time with 100 pound rebar to carry in groups od three. We walked for 1.5 hours with this rebar on our shoulders...ouch!!
-We then started to tear down a house that a family of 8 had been living in. The "house" was a mud bricked house with 3 of the walls caving in.
Saturday: It was our job over friday and saturday to tear down the whole house. Every brick had to be taken off the walls seperately and placed in a nice pile. Then we had to collect large rocks from the area to make the new foundation. We also had to walk down to the river and fill bags and buckets full of sand and then get them into the truck to haul them up to the house.

To say the least the job was hard, and many of us got sick. It was a great experiece though. Al, one of the missionaries had so many great words to speak to us, and I will totally miss his talks, he is a great man of God. Well that about sums up the week end....I will tell you the good parts later... ie. Surfing in the Pacific!!!!! (till next time)


Blogger Sara said...

You are going to be so buff when you get home. Glad God is teaching you lots and pulling you through!

7:18 AM


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