So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Roatan Sadness

Yes those two words aren't often in the same sentence let alone a blog title. So here is the explanation....

We've been here in Roatan a little over two weeks and yes it has been amazing. There is nothing wrong with the island, besides the 7.1 earthquake, annoying sand flees and unbearable sun burn, ok maybe there are a couple things. I should have known from my last two visits to the island. I should have been prepared. But its harder when you're sharing the experience with your husband, who besides crossing the mexican border a couple times has never really experience the heat of the tropics and everything that comes along with it.

We have had some amazing times. Witnessing a miracle, hanging with some amazing people and enjoying the island from a beautiful boat on the most wonderful day. The Lord brought us here for a reason and even though we may not understand why, today, tomorrow, or ever, there is a reason. Maybe the Lord is showing us where He doesnt want us. Maybe He's growing a love inside our hearts for our home. Maybe it just hasnt gone as planned. But either way, God is in it.

We have been blessed with many people God has brought across our path. The wonderful staff at SonRise, Tana and Pedro once again, and numerous God filled Canadians who have made even these past few days amazing.

So now what. We look on to tomorrow, we press into God and be believe that these next two weeks will be even better, more God filled and blessed.