So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Working life

And it begins.

I sit at a desk I will call my home for the next year or so (we'll see where it takes me). I think the hardest part of sitting here is knowing I can't just wake up one day and run away. There is no trip in the planning. No plane tickets being bought and no long term plans to go see my babies, I miss their little faces everyday.

My desk is adorned with their wonderful faces, smiling at me everyday. Its hard knowing that if something happends to them, there's nothing I can do. Well I have to believe that they are in Gods hands and he loves them more then I ever could!

Tana and the kids arrived back in the States this past weekend (with Pedro to follow soon), which is AWESOME!! I'm looking forward to their visit once they get settled :)

Life at home is otherwise GREAT!!!!

Well Boss mans back....should get going :)