So here are my adventures and experience all summed up in writtings pictures and me rantings. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Roatan Sadness

Yes those two words aren't often in the same sentence let alone a blog title. So here is the explanation....

We've been here in Roatan a little over two weeks and yes it has been amazing. There is nothing wrong with the island, besides the 7.1 earthquake, annoying sand flees and unbearable sun burn, ok maybe there are a couple things. I should have known from my last two visits to the island. I should have been prepared. But its harder when you're sharing the experience with your husband, who besides crossing the mexican border a couple times has never really experience the heat of the tropics and everything that comes along with it.

We have had some amazing times. Witnessing a miracle, hanging with some amazing people and enjoying the island from a beautiful boat on the most wonderful day. The Lord brought us here for a reason and even though we may not understand why, today, tomorrow, or ever, there is a reason. Maybe the Lord is showing us where He doesnt want us. Maybe He's growing a love inside our hearts for our home. Maybe it just hasnt gone as planned. But either way, God is in it.

We have been blessed with many people God has brought across our path. The wonderful staff at SonRise, Tana and Pedro once again, and numerous God filled Canadians who have made even these past few days amazing.

So now what. We look on to tomorrow, we press into God and be believe that these next two weeks will be even better, more God filled and blessed.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jamming it all in

So to sum up the last months.

Engaged - October 3rd
Married - January 3rd


Well that was all my life up until the wedding was over, which I am so happy about. So done with planning and everything involved. I have no idea how people wait a year! Now thats crazy! Now its living life and seeing where the Lord is calling us next. What we do know is that we are done with the City and are planning to move to Hope sometime this year. Then after that, who knows. Eiher way we can't wait.

Also planning another jet set to Honduras in June. Can't wait to show Jason my second home. Can't wait for him to fall in love with everything Roatan. Can't wait to see Halley finally get married, now that ones been a LONG wait! Like forever. Then hopefully get to chill down there for about a month and then come back home once again :)

So yea....there ya go :)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Always more to add...

Well in the past three months not too much has changed. I am still working at WorldServe, still loving life at VCC and still the proud aunty of now 11 month old Hannah.

Getting comfortable in Canada has been helped by many factors; all the pals :) Coco, Tara, Mario, Ben, Ricardo, Mia, Jor, Jason and my lovely sister who I know I couldn't do it with out !

But there are also those would love to see me board a plane, well only one, Halley. Her dream will come true soon as I board a plane in 2 weeks to visit, yes only visit.

Looking forward to my little get away to the Beautiuful Texas! I will be happy to see all those wonderful faces again. Get a big hug from the wonderful Kelley and Travis, chill with Marshall and Rachel and just have a BLAST at the United Conference!

Gotta warm up my wings for the quick jet :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

WorldServe Ministries

Hello once again :)

Since I'm not away on one of my adventures I thought I would post what I am up to these days.

I have recently landed an amazing job at WorldServe ministries. I world wide ministry dedicated to advancing the gospel and impacting the nations through national pastors and christian workers.

It's awesome to be invovled in a ministry based out of Canada with our American office in beautiful Texas and also being able to me invovled in the Lord work around the World.

Please pray for continued strength and determination as the Lord has found a way for me to get rooted here in Canada and at my wonderful home church, Victory Christian Centre and still be able to be invovled in world wide ministry!

Praise the Lord!

you can find out more about WorldServe @

Blessings! :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This subject is posted for those intrested in "Christ Centered Childrens Outreach."

If you are intrested in supporting CCCO please contact the ORIGINAL BOARD for proper information @

Thank You :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Too much to make a title out of

So here we are :)

Well I sit at a desk over looking the ocean and no I am in not in honduras. Thinking back to my mornings in the upper apartment in Honduas looking at the ocean thinking I was going to miss it, and here I am doing the same. Yes it may be a little colder and my time isnt consumed with screaming children and runny noses, but still it reminds me of those days.

I am currently working at World Serve ministries at the Canadian office in White Rock, BC. I got this job after my little adventure to Missions Fest this year with my soul purpose to find a job. With Ken's encouragment and a little bit of faith here I am.

Second and most important news..... I am going to be on the Album recording my church (Victory Christian Centre) is undertaking on friday. Everyone is beyond excited and not really sure what to do with ourselves. I know I am going to take a much needed night to SLEEP and rest up, get rid of this cold 100% and set out to just giver' on friday :)

Baby Hannah now 5 months old is growing up strong and wonderful! I am Happy to be a proud Aunty and excited for everything her life brings to mine :)


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bringing in the new year with sunglasses and a tan

Well I can tell you this: 2 months ago I would have never believed you if you told me I'd be writting this sitting in a kitchen in Roatan. Deciding to come back to Roatan was a quick and great choice! I had been asked by the board to return to Roatan if possible to give the children some kind of stability as they have gone through numerous short term help since I left in June.

I knew I needed to go home, as so much has happend since I left this place. Family reunion, Hannah was born, tried out a new job and decided it wasnt for me.

Well my total time away is going to come out to 6 weeks, with a couple days on each end spent in Houston with my girly Halley :) I left November 29th, and will be returning to Vancity in January, just in time for my birthday.

Things are stressfull and I miss home more then I ever have! I didnt think it would be that hard being here over Christmas and New Years, but it is.

Given a new passion and excitment for home, and ready to get back into the swing of things :)